“Brain-Computer Interfaces: How Close Are We to Mind-Controlled Tech?”


Have you ever thought of any technology that can enable the disabled person to perform the basic tasks like a normal human with no disability does. Of course we are talking about the BCI(Brain Computer Interface) technology which is emphasizing the concept of connection between brain and machine to be feasible in reality.

The speculation of interaction between our brain and machine that we have seen as a fiction is now coming in existence. Due to the technological advancement in this AI driven world, interpreting the brain signals and transforming it into the command so that it could be processed and understood by the computer or machine to give the output is now being feasible.

What is BCI?

BCI(Brain Computer Interface) is the computer based system or device which establishes the connection between human brain and machines. This technology can be understood as a medium of communication between brain and computer driven devices. It can be used to control the external objects like mouse cursor, robots or prosthetic limbs just by your thoughts.

The interface analyse and comprehend the brain signal, convert it into the command to be given to computer and then computer perform certain task based on this command. So you can operate the external software or hardware through your brain signals.

Types of BCI:

There are different types of BCIs and has their own advantages, uses and applications in different sectors. Here are some main types of BCIs:

Invasive BCI: In this type, an electrode is directly transplanted within the brain tissue in the gray matter of the brain extracting the highest quality of brain signal. Since the electrode implanted contacts directly with the neuron, this BCI provides signal of high resolution.

Neuralink uses invasive BCI. Using this type the paralyzed person can exercise control over his prosthetic limbs but this type is generally risky.

Non Invasive BCI: In this type, an external electrode is placed on the scalp(the skin on the top of your head that is under your hair) to capture the brain waves. It uses sensors like EEG(electroencephalography) and EMG(electromyography) to capture the signals.

This type has basically lower precise and accurate brain signals compared to invasive type but is more safe and accessible than invasive type of BCI.

Partially Invasive BCI: In this type of BCI the electrodes are transplanted inside the skull but outside the brain tissue.

They are less riskier than invasive BCIs but provide better signal quality than non invasive BCIs. This type of BCI can be used for research purposes.

How does BCI work?

With the help of electrodes implanted in the brain or by the sensor, BCI captures the electrical signal and magnetic impulse sent by the neuron of our brain.

The captured signals are then processed in various steps like amplification, filtering, feature extraction and classification. After they are processed, specific patterns are drawn and analysed by the algorithm and then they are converted into the commands.

These commands are now then transferred to external devices like computers or robotic limbs. It means you can control external devices just by your own thoughts.

Applications of BCI:

Medical uses: This technology can have profound effect on healthcare industry because it can help the disabled individuals gaining mobility. For example it can enable the paralyzed person to move by controlling the prosthetic limbs

BCI is being developed which will help the individual having locked-in syndrome, a state where individual are aware but neither can make a movement nor can speak.

Neuroprosthetics is a form of BCI which can help in driving lost neural functions like cochlear implant for hearing or retinal implant for vission correction.

Mental health: Since it can capture the brain waves and impulse, it can easily identify the anxiety level, and mood of an individual. A type of BCI called neuromodulation is designed that can identify stress level can be used in future to help individuals suffering from depression and high anxiety levels.

It can also help in enhancement of focus and memory retention by directly stimulating certain regions of our brain. Our learning and decision making capacity can also be improved with the help of this technology.

Gaming and Entertainment: BCIs can be integrated into gaming industry which will allow users to control their games using their brain signals. These BCIs can also be integrated in virtual reality industry which will help us enjoy the virtual environment just by our brain.

Brain to Brain communication: Advancement in BCI is paving the way for endless opportunities. For example there may be direct communication between brain of two individuals leading to mind blowing and speculative possibilities.

Mind controlled Gadgets: Advancement in BCI can enable us to control our smartphone and computers just by our brain. For example you can switch on or off the light of your house just by your thought.


Advancement in BCIs is bringing us closer to the future where controlling the external devices just by our brain could become reality. This technology is pushing the boundaries of endless opportunities within different fields like healthcare, education,entertainment and much more.

Also the integration of AI and machine learning can improve the accuracy of signal decoding paying the way for improvement in almost every aspect related to human beings.

Tell us how would you feel using this technology in your day to day lives. Would you be comfortable using this technology, comment down and let us know.

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